Ca' Rezzonico

Ca' Rezzonico

MAURIZIO PELLEGRIN. Isole: Memory and Permanence.

Memory and Permanence

Ca’ Rezzonico, Museum of Eighteenth-Century Venice: Memory and Permanence
The work comprises a metal structure of low, thin tables laid out across the floor of the portego (central hall) of the palace, extending for about 80 metres. Upon this structure are placed 550 photographs dating from the nineteenth century or the first two decades of the twentieth. Mounted on their original photographic card, these black-and-white pictures depict men, women and children; most of them come from various cities in the USA – New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Boston, San Francisco and Chicago – and some from Europe. Occasionally, this subtle photographic thread is interrupted by small objects or small forms in stuffed fabric, which serve as catalysts to release the energies generated by the work itself. Focusing on memory, the work is however not some sort of reliquary whose sole function is recollection or historic investigation. The components that are placed in relation or conflict with each other create a dynamic that generates new life; the work is reborn through the actual process of its development as an event.
The components are the pretext for a new condition of communication; the past thus becomes a reservoir of energy that finds expression in a sort of shift and vibration. The main colour chosen is green, the symbol of new life, whilst the number eight is the symbol of the infinite and of perpetual recurrence.
The various sections are entitled:
The Third Space (installation of period paintings combined with thread and textiles; Museo Correr)

Impermanence and Transmigration (installation and film; Doge’s Palace, Sala dei Cuoi and Sala della Quarantia dei Criminali);

1. Traces of Being and 2. Transformation, between Decline and the New State (installations with objects and sculpture; Monumental Rooms of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana)

The Everyday: Cult, Symbolism and Representation (installation; Museo del Palazzo Mocenigo)

Transit and Flow(fragmentary composition with objects and other components; Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna di Ca’ Pesaro); Multiplication of Being (installation; Museo d’Arte Orientale)

Obsessions of Being (installation and film
Museo Storico Navale).