Ca' Rezzonico

Ca' Rezzonico

Plan your visit

Accessibility and Services


Wifi e baby pitstop


  • Desk Info
  • Ticket Office
  • Cloakroom*
  • Toilette
  • Bookshop
  • Museum Cafè
  • Audioguide
  • Lift
  • Baby Pit-stop (Dedicated room, for breastfeeding, change and relax)
  • Wi Fi free zone

*Suitcases, trolleys and any bulky luggage are not permitted in the museum areas (any luggage whose sum of the three sides exceeds 1 linear meter, including handles, wheels and external pockets). Visitors are required to leave all bulky luggage elsewhere before arriving at the museum entrance.
Smaller but still bulky bags and backpacks, umbrellas and any other items which, in the opinion of the security personnel, cannot be introduced into the exhibition areas, must be left in the cloakroom. The cloakroom service is free of charge.



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Notes on architectural barriers

  • Fully accessible for disabled people.


Specific Needs

The Spazio ‘700 – MUVE FOR ALL, in the reception area on the ground floor of the museum, is a welcoming environment with a view to universal accessibility, characterised by a playful-educational, accessible and multi-sensorial approach which takes the form of a ‘preview’ of the Museum of Eighteenth-century Venice. 
Find out more >

All the tours and workshop activities organised with the support of our Educational Service are designed to be fully inclusive.
Find out more >

Discover the social story for the visit of Ca’ Rezzonico – Museum of 18th Century Venice which also includes the template to reconstruct the SPAZIO ‘700 – MUVE FOR ALL room in 3D and preview the layout of the various interactive stations full of sensory stimuli.

Ground floor

First floor



Venice accessible
Ca’ Rezzonico is included in the accessible routes reported by the City of Venice
Further informations available at  “VENICE ACCESSIBLE” official page >