Ca' Rezzonico

Ca' Rezzonico

Museums and more

Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia promotes cultural itineraries to discover the heritage, the history of the city of Venice and its Museums. The proposals of “Museums and more” project are aimed at enhancing the museum offer in the context of thematic paths involving different districts with dialogues between the permanent collections and the life and history of the city.

The itineraries are organized and conducted by the official Venice guides who are qualified to provide the visitor with an excellent service and meet the different needs and expectations of the public.

“Museums and more” is part of  #EnjoyRespectVenezia campaign launched by City of Venice.

Discover the itineraries dealing with Ca’ Rezzonico – Eighteen Century Venice Museum:


Discover 18th century Venice: Giacomo Casanova e Ca’ Rezzonico

Let us take a walk together and discover 18th century Venice. We will go from the places between San Samuele and Santo Stefano, where Casanova lived, up to Ca’ Rezzonico, one of the most attractive Venetian palazzos, where we will capture the wealth of the family that lived here in that period.
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Individual Ambition and Collective Participation: Ca’ Rezzonico and the Scuola Grande dei Carmini

In order to pay for the considerable military expenses needed to fight the Turks during the seventeenth century, the Serenissima Republic conferred the noble rank to over a hundred families willing to donate copious sums of money to the state coffers. The new patricians, including the Rezzonico family, set about creating a display of splendour which was translated into magnificent architectural and decorative works. Ambitious patrons included the Scuole Grandi which, with the aid of excellent artists, erected majestic headquarters with extraordinary decorative elements.
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